Thursday, July 16, 2015

Or... Be Busy

I do not like being busy, but my job has become so demanding that I do not have a choice. My priority in my free time is feeding myself and trying to shift back, after focusing really intensely on something, to seeing - to being in - the environment I'm in (because being here as myself now is important but also so that I don't get a headache and actually feel relaxed enough to fall asleep at night). There's just no space for picking in my life right now, not even really to think about it. I'm committed to not picking when, inevitably, I find myself with some do-nothing time. I don't recommend keeping busy as a way to deal with problems - you're not really dealing with them by doing so, you're just avoiding them - however, I've said before that if the issue is that you have to obsess about something, it may as well be something productive. I felt like I was going in circles, getting nowhere. I was stuck! It's time now to move slowly but surely (or maybe incredibly quickly!) forward. Let's see what will happen, what life will bring.

Friday, July 10, 2015

No Other Way

I realized a few days ago that until I stop picking at my skin, my life is never going to go the way I'd like it to. I have to stop, or I'm stuck. It's that simple.
So far, telling myself, "I don't do that anymore," is working nicely. Picking is incongruent with who I've become, and my subsconscious seems receptive to this message.
I don't want to be stuck. I want to move on.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

I Don't Do That Anymore

That picking thing?
"I don't do that anymore." - this is my new self-talk.

Friday, July 3, 2015

You Are Not a Victim

Life doesn't happen to you - you create your life.
Cast off your burdens, all that oppresses you - let what you do not want go. Do not destroy yourself.
What you choose to engage with, do so willingly, calmly, and patiently. Remember - it is a choice.
Everything changes - know what's inevitable. Don't convince yourself that what seems insurmountable is inevitable. Neither pretend that what's inevitable isn't - we all will die some day, sooner or later.
Enjoy life by really being in it - not by using recreation or busy-ness as a distraction from what you would rather not face, from what you need to accept and take on, or release.
Your time here is limited - use it well. If you knew you only had another year to live, what would you do with it? What really matters to you - what do you care about?